Does a Kitchen Remodel Add Value to a House?
In many ways, the kitchen is the heart of the home.
It’s where families come together to prepare and eat meals and talk about their days; it’s where people perform the actions that keep us all alive: eating and drinking. In short, having a good kitchen is a pretty important part of a home’s functionality.
So if you’re thinking about selling your home sometime soon, you might be wondering: how much does a kitchen remodel affect the sale price of my home?
Functionality is key
Most of us have probably lived in quite a few places over the years, which helps give us some perspective on what we want and what we truly don’t want in our future homes. Think back to the past apartments and houses you’ve rented or lived in– what did you like best? What did you like least?
Typically, things like kitchens and bathrooms factor into your positive or negative memories of a home. If the kitchen was big and spacious with nice appliances, you almost certainly had a better experience than you would in a kitchen with no counter space, no dishwasher, and a fridge that kept breaking.
Unless you get takeout for every single meal (and who can afford that?), a functional, pleasant kitchen is a must-have.
How does a kitchen affect home value?
There have been several major studies conducted regarding the kitchen’s effect on home value. Remax and Remodeling Magazine, for example, determined that a kitchen renovation can give you a 75-100% return on investment when selling your home.
In short, a kitchen remodel adds major value to your home and makes things look a whole lot more appealing to potential home buyers.
The importance of a good kitchen
It’s hard to argue with the fact that a great kitchen has a direct impact on your quality of life.
In fact, people with recently-remodeled kitchens tend to cook at home more often, which in turn helps them save money that they might otherwise be spending on takeout or restaurant meals.
Plus, a remodeled kitchen becomes a natural gathering spot in your home. Imagine the memories you can enjoy in a gorgeous kitchen– meals with your closest friends and loved ones, holiday baking, ambitious cooking projects… the list goes on!
What makes a good quality kitchen?
The social and functional importance of the kitchen is undeniable, which is why quality becomes an important key word.
Because of the way the housing market has worked for the past few years (it’s undeniably a seller’s market right now!) there are plenty of people out there in the business of “flipping” homes– in other words, purchasing homes, conducting some remodeling work and other improvements, and then selling them relatively quickly for a higher price.
Some of these “flipped” houses might look nice, and adhere to current design trends– but they might be lacking in quality. In fact, a shoddily updated “newly renovated” kitchen is probably quite a bit more trouble than an older, outdated kitchen with good appliances and cabinets.
Should I make my home purchasing decision based on the kitchen?
There are lots of factors that go into the home buying process, and only you can determine whether a home is right for your needs or not.
An updated kitchen can be a major benefit, but it’s imperative to look closely at the remodel to make sure it was done carefully with a focus on quality. Check out the plumbing and hardware, and ask the homeowner about the contractor who handled the work.
You would most likely also benefit from having a professional home inspector take a look at the property with you– they’ll be able to spot things that the untrained eye might miss.
Contact the experts
At Kaufman By Design, our design and decorating team are prepared to help you complete a kitchen remodel that’s sure to please potential home buyers. We have the supplies and the know-how to complete a truly excellent quality kitchen remodel.
If you’re ready to get your hands on that 75-100% return on investment, give us a call or stop by today to get started!
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Поиск подходящих вакансий:
Сопровождение. Их основная работа – проводить время с покупателями в ресторанах, клубах и на деловых встречах.
Сопровождение. Фактически то же самое, что и сопровождение, но вам нужно идти туда, куда хочет пойти покупатель.
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Никакой близости. Эта работа связана с наблюдением за досугом без специальных предложений.
Плоскость. Главная задача – встретиться с интересными и важными покупателями без отрыва от работы.
Выездной офицер. В список задач входит поиск и проверка покупателей, продвижение агентства и подготовка соответствующей документации.
Скаутинг. Основная задача – поиск новых рекрутов для эскорт-агентств во всех крупных городах.
Нет опыта работы.
Вакансии в категории “без навыков работы” отличаются ужасным изобилием.
Каждый может найти себе место по своему усмотрению.
Отсутствие навыков работы: вакансии в сфере досуга доступны девушкам без специальной подготовки. Главное – это желание, долг и яркая внешность.
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Свободное время проводит, сопровождая покупателей на деловых встречах, за границей, вечеринках и извращенных вечеринках.